Monash Health

Monash Health is Victoria’s largest public health service. We provide safe, high-quality care to one-quarter of Melbourne’s population, across the entire lifespan, from pre-birth to end-of-life.

More than 25,500 of us work at over 40 care locations across south-east Melbourne, including seven hospitals and an extensive network of rehabilitation, aged care, community health and mental health facilities. Each year:

  • We provide more than 3.4 million episodes of care to our community,
  • More than 276,000 people are admitted to our hospitals,
  • Close to 220,000 people receive care at our three emergency departments,
  • We respond to more than 67,000 ambulance arrivals,
  • We perform more than 48,000 surgical procedures, and
  • We deliver more than 10,000 babies.

We are an equal opportunity employer and committed to a fair, non-discriminatory workplace that maximises the talent, potential and contribution of all.