We recently secured the official 'World Class Schools Status' on top of our Ofsted Outstanding rating. These accolades and our results, which sit well above national averages, have been achieved because we have superb, dedicated and highly motivated staff working with fantastic young people. Unlike some schools, we detest schools that operate a culture of fear and have developed a reputation for treating our staff well and supporting development. The Leadership Team play a key role in managing pupil behaviour, for example, by being involved with the centralised detentions and continuous corridor patrols. This is a key reason why we have excellent behaviour and a strong, warm and friendly ethos, which in turn allows teachers to teach and staff to enjoy carrying out their respective roles. Staff morale is incredibly high and sickness absence is low for these very reasons.
If your application is successful and you are shortlisted, the interview day will allow prospective candidates to see the school in action, speak to staff and judge for yourself!
Our Mission Statement
Roundhay School is all about its pupils and we will do ‘whatever it takes’ to ensure that each one reaches their full potential. We will never put limits on what our pupils can achieve, regardless of background or circumstance. Our focus on developing character, instilling confidence and a love of learning whilst teaching the importance of kindness, manners, and respect. We want all our pupils to make a positive contribution to school life and society, continuing to learn and develop for the rest of their lives.
Always responsible. Always resilient. Always ready to learn. Always Roundhay.
Our Pupils
The school population reflects the cosmopolitan nature of modern Leeds. The pupils come from a very wide variety of socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds; more than 27 languages are represented, with around 60% of our pupils drawn from the black and ethnic minorities. This gives the school great strength in its many endeavours and relationships.
‘The atmosphere in lessons is very positive and supportive’ … ‘Learning moves at a lively pace’. Ofsted
We currently have around 2500 pupils in this 4-18 co-educational community comprehensive school, making it one of the largest within Leeds. Our specialist Dyslexia Base, our SEN provision, and our 500+ strong and very successful Sixth Form (one of the biggest in the region) are just some of our many strengths.
‘Behaviour in lessons is exemplary’ … ‘Movement around the school is extremely orderly and students show consideration and respect for each other’. Ofsted
In September 2012 we became one of the first ‘all-through’ schools in the region, growing with a new intake every year. Our first primary cohorts joined up with the secondary aged pupils in September 2019. We have a separate £4.8 million purpose built Primary Campus located just a mile away from the Secondary Campus.
We are proud of our examination success at all key stages. At our Sixth Form, over 35 qualifications (including A Levels, BTECs and Cambridge Technicals) are taught and with excellent achievement we find that the majority of our students are able to progress to higher education including students going to Oxford and Cambridge Universities.
We have the highest expectations of every pupil and strive to achieve high standards in all that we do, both academically and socially.
‘The atmosphere in lessons is very positive and supportive. As one student said, “It is cool to want to learn at Roundhay”. Students are comfortable admitting that they do not understand a particular point and others often try to help by offering alternative explanations. Students are keen to volunteer ideas and participate.’ Ofsted
‘Students, from a very wide range of backgrounds, work and socialise together extremely well.’ Ofsted
Our Staff
We are fortunate to have highly committed, professional, and friendly staff, who have worked hard and successfully to establish a thriving learning community. Many staff have sent, or currently send, their own children to Roundhay, which is a real vote of confidence.
‘Student and staff relationships are extremely good. Students’ personal development is exceptional, and behaviour is exemplary.’ Ofsted
‘Teachers have an infectious enthusiasm for their subject which is communicated to the students’ … ‘Professional development is a strength of the school’ … ‘The quality of teaching is outstanding’. Ofsted
We also have other pupils who come from families with parents professionally involved in education, which helps to keep us on our toes! We take seriously the professional development of all our staff. As a school, we are heavily involved in Initial Teacher Training and are a strategic partner within a Teaching School Alliance (Red Kite) which involves sharing outstanding practice across four local authorities. School improvement and self-review are central to our drive to raise standards. We have around 270 staff, both associate and teaching, who work very hard as a team to ensure they support both the pupils and each other.
Our Location
The school’s two campuses are situated in north-east Leeds, adjacent to Roundhay Park, and are surrounded by highly sought-after owner-occupied houses. The settings can only be described as impressive. The schools’ grounds are magnificent; the campuses cover over 30 acres of parkland combined. We also serve some of the most economically and socially deprived areas of the city, as well as more favoured wards, giving us the rich mix of pupils that makes us a ‘true comprehensive’. Currently, around 21% of our pupils are classified as being Pupil Premium children with 15% currently entitled to free school meals.
‘Students who attract Pupil Premium funding are monitored very closely’ … ‘making exceptional progress and closing any attainment gap with their peers at a very fast rate’. Ofsted
‘Primary provision is outstanding. Pupils make extremely rapid progress, teaching is outstanding, resources are first-rate, and leadership is exceptional.’ Ofsted
Our Facilities
We have very good facilities, and since our Secondary Campus was rebuilt in 2004, we continue to invest heavily in ICT and in improving facilities to enhance the learning and teaching experience of pupils and staff alike. We expanded with a £4.8 million purpose built Primary campus in 2012 and a £12 million Pavilion building and artificial pitch on the Secondary site in 2017.
Our School Organisation
Our separate Primary Campus introduces two forms each year and houses upwards of 420 children. The Primary school day starts at 8.55am and ends at 3.20pm.
At our Secondary site, pupils are grouped for registration and for Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education in mixed-ability form groups. For teaching purposes, pupils are placed in a variety of groupings as appropriate, including setting and some mixed-ability grouping. Lessons at the Secondary Campus are 50 minutes in length, six per day, although the vast majority are double lessons. The secondary school day commences at 8.20am and finishes at 3.00pm, followed by extra-curricular activities.
Our Pastoral Organisation and Leadership
Each campus (Primary and Secondary) has a Head of School. At the Secondary Campus Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 are led by Heads of Year, assisted by teams of tutors, and overseen by member of the Leadership Team. Our Assistant Headteacher: Director of Sixth Form and her team are supported by Academic Mentors.
There is a strong tradition of support for both pupils and colleagues. Our Academic Support Tutors, Mentors, Behaviour Support workers and Raising Achievement teams have had a powerful effect on the positive implementation of our social inclusion strategies.
‘The senior leadership team is very strong and effective’. Ofsted
‘The headteacher has the unanimous support of staff in the mission to create an inclusive school where every student is enabled to ‘be the best they can be’. He is very accessible to both students and staff.’ Ofsted
Our Extra-Curricular Activities
We have a thriving and exceptional programme of music, drama, sports teams, outdoor pursuits, residentials, art events, enrichment days and charity events! Everyone contributes, as we feel that it is a vital part of our role in developing the potential of all our pupils and building a cohesive community.
Our Community Links
The school has excellent links with the communities it serves and actively seeks to widen these. We believe that this vital ‘citizenship work’ demonstrates our ethos as a school, where courtesy, co-operation and commitment are more than just words!
‘High ability students out-perform similar students nationally. Students of all abilities make very good progress in lessons.’ Ofsted