Swale Academies Trust

Welcome from the Chief Executive Officer

Since its creation in September 2010, Swale Academies Trust has become a strong and successful school improvement service, specialising in taking schools in Ofsted category and turning them into good schools.

A glance at the most recent Ofsted reports will all point to the effectiveness of the Trust in bringing about change, providing and enabling excellent leadership. First and foremost, Swale Academies Trust is about the provision and development of high quality leadership and management.

We do not seek to develop clone schools that deliver education in a regimented manner. Rather, we value the development in our schools of a spirit of enquiry and action research that provides the best possible education that is right for pupils in a local setting. We do, however, collectively value and strive for all pupils to produce beautiful work which showcases their development over time of which they, their teachers, support staff and parents can be really proud. We are proud of our schools and we strive for a sense of shared pride in the achievements of all of our students.

Our ambition is driven by enabling schools and children to succeed. We have a wide range of excellent and highly accomplished senior leaders who lead with a sense of purpose, charisma and a set of shared values. The Trust is fortunate to be overseen by a Board of Directors who share leaders’ values and provide the highest quality challenge and support.

Jon Whitcombe Signature
Jon Whitcombe
Trust Principal and CEO